Your Memories Our History

We are looking for people with memories of Buckland Brewer in the past. Even the recent past is history, so if your memories only stretch back to the 1980s or 1990s that’s fine.

Thanks to help from a Parish Council grant, we are beginning to talk to residents and former residents of Buckland Brewer to gain information about a variety of topics including:-



High Days and Holidays

Clubs and Societies

Working Life

Who Lived Where

Buckland at War

Buckland in the Snow

Buckland Characters

and any other topics people would like to share.

If distance means that our team will not be able to meet with you in person, we welcome written memories on paper or by email Or maybe you could chat about your memories to a local family member or friend and send us a recording. If you have photographs of yourself in the past that you would be willing to share that would be wonderful.

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